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Marked cards magic tricks

Once you have better control and know how to limit yourself to so much money a day or weekend, even if you do not win any money, you are not the really loser, at least you know it is time to go home. However, it seems that it is hard for most gamblers to do that.

You should set a clearly defined goal about the game before sitting down to the poker table. It is necessary for you to know how much money is available and figure out how long you will be able to keep up the bluff. More to the point, when losing, you don’t need to feel sad, and complain about the life, you have to be willing to take risks, to invest and ready to lose from time to time.

You have to understand these words “no one is going to win every hand, with that being said, no one is going to lose every hand”. Even they know that it is impossible of them to win all the time, they do not get used to losing. If a poker player loses big hand, his best bet is to stay calm and focused and plan his next course of action.

If you keep these words in mind, it will help you a lot in the future poker game.

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